Food of
the Future

quality and active longevity

Biligrain agricultural company develops innovative black grain cereal crops.
Our products are 100% natural and promote healthy digestion (flour, cereal, pasta).

Our products

Іконка пшениці

Innovative varieties of black
spelt, wheat and barley

We combine modern technology and science to
develop whole grain functional products from black spelled,
wheat and barley, enriched with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Our unique black grains and innovative R&D capabilities are just the beginning. Biligrain offers you a distinct advantage in the market.

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Black-grain spelled

Whole grain black spelled flour "Bilberry"

Our whole grain millet flour is enriched with antioxidants and all the nutrients of a whole grain.

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Whole grain black spelled flour

Whole grain flakes

These striking black grains owe their unique hue to anthocyanin pigments, just like those found in blueberries. This natural coloring isn't just eye-catching; it also comes with a treasure trove of benefits.

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Whole grain macaroni from black wheat


Legal address

1000 Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Krasyliv, Hrushevsky str., 2

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